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What is a White Label Designer?

(+ the benefits of hiring one)

If you found this post chances are you might be wondering, "Amy, what the heck is a white label designer?" and friend, I've been there too. I was actually "white labeling" before I even knew what the term was, so there may be a chance you could be too.

But let's break it down.

In the simplest form: a white label designer is a contract designer. By definition, a contract designer provides services on a project basis and works independently of the business they're contracting for (aka they're not a full-time employee).

What makes a white label designer different is the work they do for the business they're hired by remains under the business's brand instead of the designer's. So, the white label designer doesn't have any rights to the work. (Honestly, if you were a full-time employee for an agency or on an in-house design team, this would be the same.) You're producing work for them but as an independent freelancer. Another way to look at it would be similar to a ghostwriter, but you're a ghost-designer. *insert spooky sounds here*

So what's the benefit of hiring a white label designer?

When you're looking to scale your business, as a one-woman show, there is obviously going to be some hesitation or nervous energy that comes from investing in a whole other person to join your team. I get it! Your business is precious, you’re known for your amazing client experience, and your design skills are the reason you’re booked out. But let's breakdown the benefits:


Only you can know if you're ready to invest in a white label designer (and there are a lot of factors that go into it) but by outsourcing to one, instead of hiring a full-time employee, you're saving money. White label designers typically charge by project, so you're easily able to budget their fee into your client's investment. If you were to hire a full-time employee vs a contractor, you would also be responsible for their benefits like: health insurance, paid time off and paid holidays, and guaranteed work hours. Since white label designers are essentially contractors, you're only responsible for paying the project price, so in the long-term it's definitely more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee.


When you outsource to a white label designer, you're saving time to work on the things that light you up in your business or to just take time off for yourself. You can focus on the higher level tasks that a CEO needs to focus on or enjoy a girls trip weekend away!

Access to expertise

We can't all be a "Jill-of-all-trades" and you shouldn't have to know every platform under the sun. When you outsource to a white label designer, they may have some expertise that you don't necessarily have the time or desire to learn. This can form a partnership between the you and the white label designer to assist you on projects that you wouldn't normally take on. For example, are you a Showit designer looking to help a boutique with customizing their Shopify store? You may not know Shopify's coding language Liquid, but you could outsource that project to a white label designer and collaborate on the design. This opens you up to take on new clientele that you're interested in!


You'll finally be able to take on more projects without the lack of quality when you hire a white label designer. Or you could take on the same amount of projects, charge more, and work less. That's the nice thing about scaling with a white label designer on your side; they're providing you with flexibility to scale your business how you want to.


When you hire white label, you're able to take all the credit for the work as your own. Your clients don't have to know that you have help with projects (unless you want to be open about it). A white label designer typically won't showcase work they do with you unless they get permission to do so.

Overall, hiring a white label designer is worth it.

Now you know what in the world a white label designer even is and the benefits that hiring one can have. If you're ready to outsource and reap the benefits one can have, contact me and let's chat!

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